On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:45 PM, John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jack W wrote:the simplest way is to make dbuser the OWNER of the database, and have him create all the tables too, then he automatically has full rights to it.
I also find that if I only grant privileges on database to dbuser as below, without granting privileges on Schema and table to dbuser, dbuser still can not do SELECT on the tables.
mydb=# grant all privileges on Database mydb to dbuser;
Is there any simple way to grant All privileges to dbuser on all the 10 tables?
Thanks. In my application, one user will create the database, then other users can remotely access it through ODBC/JDBC to access the database. In this case, I have to grant the privileges to each user one by one, right?
SCHEMA privileges grant the rights to connect to a schema, and create/modify schemas
table/view/etc privileges grant the rights to select/insert/update/etc the mentioned tables.
mydb=#select * from mydb_schema.mydb_table1;
mydb=# grant all privileges on mydb_schema.mydb_table1 to dbuser;
STATEMENT: select * from mydb_schema.mydb_table1;
ERROR: permission denied for schema mydb_schema
So I have to grant the privileges to the schema mydb_schema in order to do SELECT on mydb_table1.