najmuddin hassan wrote:
I just installed a program called moteview by crossbow technologies.
It uses postgreSQL 8.0.0-rc1 for its database. There is something
wrong as when I launched the program it automaticly gives me an error
that the database is not available. The postgreSQL database
installation is bundled together with installation disk. I read one
of the mail discussion that that version of sql is no longer supported
so I upgrade to version 8.3. The moteview program has a script
called "resetdb.cmd" (script is given below) whereby as I understand
it is to set the database for the program as server : localhost,
database : task, user : tele, and password : tiny. When I run
the resetdb.cmd program. The error below shows up:
psql: could not connect to server: connection refused
(0x0000274D/10061). Is the server running on host "localhost" and
accepting TCP/IP connection on port 5432.
I not a database person. I "googled" the error msg and from my reading
it has something to do with authentication....
Can I have the solution to this matter. Thanks.
set PG_HOST=localhost
set PG_PORT=5432
set PG_USER=tele
set PG_PASS=tiny
set PG_DBASE=task
set PG_CONN=-h %PG_HOST% -p %PG_PORT% -U %PG_USER%
set PG_DDIR="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data"
set PG_BIN="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin"
if '%1' == ' ' goto START
set PG_DDIR=%1\PostgreSQL\8.3\data
set PG_BIN=%1\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin
echo %PG_BIN%
echo %PG_DDIR%
echo %PATH%
echo "Granting permissions to access database"
copy pg_hba.conf %PG_DDIR%
net start pgsql-8.3
sleep 5
pg_ctl reload -D %PG_DDIR%
echo "Setting up PostgreSQL 8.3 database for Moteview"
psql -e %PG_CONN% template1 < db_user.sql
psql -e %PG_CONN% %PG_DBASE% < db_moteview.sql
psql -e %PG_CONN% %PG_DBASE% < db_xsensor.sql
psql -e %PG_CONN% %PG_DBASE% < db_sample_mts310.sql
Appreciate your help...
Do you have listen_adress in postgresql.conf set properly i.e. to the
listen to the adress from where connection is comming or just * to
listen to all adresses.
this postgresql.conf file is in PG_DDIR
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