I could finish the install without starting the service by closing down msiexec with ctrl+alt+del.
I looked up the log from postgresql and it says this:
FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (key=1804, addr=01700000): 487
2009-02-19 15:51:01 CET LOG: database system was shut down at 2009-02-19 05:22:30 CET
2009-02-19 15:51:02 CET LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2009-02-19 15:51:02 CET LOG: autovacuum launcher started
FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (key=1804, addr=01700000): 487
FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (key=1804, addr=01700000): 487
FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (key=1804, addr=01700000): 487
Also when I remove the program and I don't start initdb it will finish installation normally (since then it won't try and start the service I'm guessing). But it still won't start the service.
The installation .zip you mentioned is only 20MB? It's postgresql v 8.3 which was provided by the program the database is used for: Holdem Manager.
Thanks for the reply and I hope hearing from you soon
> I could finish the install without starting the service by closing down
> msiexec with ctrl+alt+del.
Hmm - wonder if the installation was complete?
> I looked up the log from postgresql and it says this:
> FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (key=1804, addr=01700000): 487
Well, a bit of googling suggests 487 means "invalid address"
each other. On a linux/unix system the only error you're likely to see
is because you've tried to allocate more memory than the system will
allow. Since you've not finished installing yet it can't be that.
worth considering other issues. Have a look for a postmaster.pid (or
perhaps postgresql.pid) file somewhere in the installation - that should
be created once PostgreSQL is running, and removed when it stops, so if
you find one you can delete it.
> Also when I remove the program and I don't start initdb it will finish
> installation normally (since then it won't try and start the service I'm
> guessing). But it still won't start the service.
The error message is related to starting the database, so I think you're
> The installation .zip you mentioned is only 20MB? It's postgresql v 8.3
> which was provided by the program the database is used for: Holdem Manager.
Hmm - don't know why they didn't just point you to the main website
http://www.postgresql.org. Oh, that's the right size too - includes
manuals too. It's all the fancy animated icon stuff that helps make apps
so big.
this error:
PC, I'd still suspect it's up to something. Particularly as you mention
the word that strikes terror into the heart of everyone who has to
support a Windows machine: "Norton". How do you feel about uninstalling
all your antivirus, reinstalling PostgreSQL and seeing if it works then?
Obviously you'll reinstall your a-v after, but that will let us see if
that's the problem.
access the db from another machine), you can leave that on.
The installation was complete when I reinstalled it without having to start a initdb.
I deleted the postmaster.pid file but it still does not start.
I have disabled all norton services and kaspersky anti-hacker etc, PC has been rebooted couple of times and nothing is running anymore.
On the other PC where it worked fine; Norton was running there aswell.
Any other suggestions? I'll delete norton now but I don't think it will help :(
Hoping we can fix this because I really need it to work.
Hey there again,
uninstalled postgresql, norton and kaspersky. deleted postgresql folder in program files. rebooted.
installed postgresql again (first time same error during installation, had to use ctrl+alt+del) then installed it again (no need for initdb this time) and the installation finished.
deleted the postmaster.pid file, changed the service running under ./postgress to local machine. rebooted.
service still did not start. (it did create a new postmaster.pid file while trying to start service, deleted it again now)
Any ideas now?
Kind regards, FF.