Greetings! I've run into this problem a few times. There must be a solution, but I don't know what it is. I have a table that has three interesting columns: coil_id, charge, and coldspot_time. A charge can have several coils, so there are several records with differing coil_ids but the same charge. I want a list of the coils whose coldspot_times are the largest for their charge. I can easily get a list of the maximum coldspot times for each charge: Select charge, max(coldspot_time) >From inventory Group by charge But how do I find out what coil has the maximum coldspot time? Select coil_id, charge, max(coldspot_time) >From inventory Group by charge Doesn't work because SQL can't read my mind well enough to know which of the four coil_ids in the given charge is the one I want. Thank you very much! RobR -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: