2009/2/5 David Wall <d.wall@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I wrote "or so" because I did not remember all details.
- check http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/storage-toast.html
for 100% accurate explanation.
Hmm... So a page is 8192 bytes, and it leaves your regular table and goes to TOAST if the BYTEA is more than 2730 bytes. I thought it only went to TOAST when it exceed the page size, not just one-third of its size.
Are the BYTEA fields stored in the same table as the rest of the data?
yes - and the TOAST tables if it's larger than 1/3 of a page or so. search for TOAST details if you're interested.
I wrote "or so" because I did not remember all details.
- check http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/storage-toast.html
for 100% accurate explanation.
Filip Rembiałkowski