While trying to create a new dictionary for use with PostgreSQL text
search, I get a segfault. My Postgres version is 8.3.5
The dictionary I use is the "Norwegian Bokmål & Nynorsk (Norway) pack
for OOo 2.x" downloaded from
I've also uploaded the dictionary and affix-file used to this location:
These are unpacked from the zip-file I got from the above location, and
converted to UTF-8 with the following commands:
- iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 nb_NO.dic > nb_no.dict
- iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 nb_NO.aff > nb_no.affix
The command I use is this:
TEMPLATE = ispell,
DictFile = nb_no,
AffFile = nb_no,
StopWords = norwegian
I've uploaded a strace of the process at
This is captured with strace -p<pid>. Since this is about the extent of
my knowledge of strace, please let me know if there's any other options
I should specify.
Relevant parts of the postgres log file is included below.
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.721 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [26466] [0] LOG: server
process (PID 12002) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.721 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [26466] [0] LOG:
terminating any other active server processes
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.725 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [26466] [0] LOG: all
server processes terminated; reinitializing
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.931 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [12018] [0] LOG:
database system was interrupted; last known up at 2009-01-29 13:42:05 CET
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.931 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [12018] [0] LOG:
database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.934 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [12018] [0] LOG: record
with zero length at 0/4A2F9A0
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.934 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [12018] [0] LOG: redo
is not required
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.986 CET] [pgtest02] [fotoportal:postgres]
[] [12019] [0] FATAL: the database system is in
recovery mode
[2009-01-29 13:55:11.988 CET] [pgtest02] [fotoportal:postgres]
[] [12020] [0] FATAL: the database system is in
recovery mode
[2009-01-29 13:55:12.010 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [12023] [0] LOG:
autovacuum launcher started
[2009-01-29 13:55:12.011 CET] [pgtest02] [:] [] [26466] [0] LOG:
database system is ready to accept connections
Tommy Gildseth
DBA, Gruppe for databasedrift
Universitetet i Oslo, USIT
m: +47 45 86 38 50
t: +47 22 85 29 39
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