On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:52 AM, A. Kretschmer <andreas.kretschmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In response to Josh Harrison :
Within psql, stdin is your keyboard. Otherwise, you can use COPY in a> Hi,
> A basic question about the COPY command syntax....
> This is the syntax in the postgres manual.
> COPY tablename [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
> FROM { 'filename' | STDIN }
> ......
> .....
> What is the difference between copying from 'filename' and copying from 'stdin' ???
Thanks... Is it possible to use COPY command to copy data from oracle
to postgresql database? I currently use jdbc to do this but its really
slow...so I wanted to try the COPY command ? So if i have to do this
using COPY command then I have to 'exp' the oracle table to a flat
file and read it using COPY command into postgresql tables ? Is there a
way to do this without dumping the data into a file ?
My question is is it possible to read the oracle data from the oracle database and copy them into postgresql database directly by using COPY command instead of jdbc preparedstatement(INSERT command) ?
My question is is it possible to read the oracle data from the oracle database and copy them into postgresql database directly by using COPY command instead of jdbc preparedstatement(INSERT command) ?
Andreas Kretschmer
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