Sorry, to have very long to handle your problem.
I tried to compress and decompress your WAL segments and found that your
WAL segments are created in 32bit environment, which must be
compressed/decompressed using 32bit binary.
PostgreSQL's WAL segment in 32bit environment is binary incompatible
with 64bit version so if you created WAL segments in 32bit environment,
you must compress them with 32bit version of pg_compresslog and restored
by 32bit version of pg_decompresslog.
I've tested your WAL segment using 32bit and 64bit pglesslog and found
that 64bit version worked perfect.
Please try this in 64bit environment.
Sorry for taking this long. I'd like to notify this in pglesslog
Good luck;
Jean-Christophe Arnu さんは書きました:
full_page_writes are written to be on by default in the global user
configuration file (i.e. postgresql.conf). Query to the server showed
that it is :
show full_page_writes ;
I use the RPM version provided on pgfoundry.
The main problem is located on pg_compresslog side (first) : it is unabe
to compress xlogs.
I send you (in private) a bunch of uncompressed logs that are known to
report pg_compresslog problem.
Once pg_compresslog will work, I plan to test "the other side" solution
with pg_decompresslog :)
Thanks for your reply!
2008/11/20 Koichi Suzuki <koichi.szk@xxxxxxxxx
Sorry I was out and late to find your report.
Lesslog replaces full page write to corresponding incremental log to
decrease the size and so you should turn full_page_writes "on" for
lesslog to work.
Did you specify "pg_decpmpresslog" as restore command? If so, I don't
see anything missing so far. Pg_decompresslog must be used in place
of "cat".
If possible, could you try to share your archive log (a part may help)
and let me know how you built lesslog? (Did you use rpm?) They will
help. I've tested lesslog against pgbench and DBT-2 so I believe the
coverage is reasonable.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks a lot for your help.
Koichi Suzuki
2008/11/18 Jean-Christophe Arnu <jcarnu@xxxxxxxxx
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use lesslog 1.1 (out of NTT rpm available on
pgfoundry) on my
> pg_xlog files out of a 8.3.3 postgresql server.
> I always get messages such as "incorrect resource manager data
> This message is issued (as I've read the sources) when there's
CRC mismatch
> in a record.
> Do you have any idea of what's going wrong (i.e. why my CRC are not
> matching)? Does this deals with full_page_writes to be set to on
(by default
> in GUC) which is commented in my GUC (thus set to on) ? Is there
> missing?
> Note : I'm transferring my xlog to another node with rsync. The
log I get (a
> bunch of) for my test purpose are the ones on the remote node,
they should
> be exactly the same as the one on the server.
> Thanks by advance for any ideao!
> --
> Jean-Christophe Arnu
Jean-Christophe Arnu
Koichi Suzuki
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