Thank you Oleg. I am reading that guide. Its a little too much at one time. I am getting a little confused. I don't have any dictionary yet, but I just found a hunspell dictionary for Arabic :
Now I see Sam wrote too... :)
I hope you guys will still be around to help me set it up when I have finished my reading? I have seen earlier posts from you Oleg about dictionaries, so I suppose you know it pretty well. (Not to mention the big pdf file you have written !)
I am working on my developer (laptop) now, I prefer if I don't have to repeat all the work later on.. is there away of avoiding this? To only have to do these builds once or create some kind of a batch file and run them on the production server later ( I am afraid I won't remember what I did one inorder to repeat it)
Btw, you know if it is possible to combine the Tsearch with Hibernate (HQL) or will I just have to do it all in SQL ?
The more dictionaries I use the better? or should I just choose and use only one to build my lexemes and stopwords (etc) ?
Oleg :
We usually use {ispell, stemmer} dictionary stack. if you don't have
stemmer for arabic, just use simple dictionary, so if ispell dict doesn't
recognize word, it will be recognized by simple dict and that word will be indexed.
What do you mean with simple dictionary ? Does that come with postgre ? Is it possible to do the same with {hunspell, stemmer(simple?)}
/ Moe