I'm aware that if you create a foreign key constraint, no indexes are automatically created. I would like to find a way to programatically inspect all my foreign keys and identify possibly missing indexes on either table (either the table defining the constraint or the table being referenced). I wasn't able to find anything searching Google or the pg archives. Attached is a first attempt. Just run the missing-fk-indexes.sql through psql. e.g., psql -q mydb -f missing-fk-indexes.sql I know the output can be improved, but is this headed toward the right direction and/or is there already a simpler way to accomplish this? Briefly, it finds all the unique tables/columns referenced by foreign keys. Then it examines all the indexes, looking for any that are a prefix of the fk columns. It writes out any tables/columns where no indexes are found, followed by a list of the fk's that reference those tables/columns. Also attached is a trivial test schema to run it against. Life on your PC is safer, easier, and more enjoyable with Windows Vista®. See how |
/* psql -E to see internal queries */ CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_objects AS SELECT c.oid ,n.nspname ,c.relname ,c.relkind FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE 1=1 AND n.nspname <> 'pg_catalog' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast' -- AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) ; /* Find all unique associations used by fk's */ CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_fk AS SELECT DISTINCT ON (oid, cols_string) * FROM ( SELECT nspname ,relname ,oid ,conkey AS cols ,array_to_string(conkey, ',') AS cols_string FROM temp_objects c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON (r.conrelid = c.oid) WHERE r.contype = 'f' UNION SELECT nspname ,relname ,oid ,confkey AS cols ,array_to_string(confkey, ',') AS cols_string FROM temp_objects c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON (r.confrelid = c.oid) WHERE r.contype = 'f' ) z ; -- SELECT * FROM temp_fk; /* look for any indexes that could be used by each fk association */ CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_check_indexes AS SELECT fk.oid ,fk.cols ,fk.cols_string ,index_name || ' on ' || indkey::text AS "index" ,i.index_cols_string || ' ~* ' || ('^' || fk.cols_string || '(,|$)') AS "like" ,fk.nspname || '.' || fk.relname || '.' || fk.cols_string AS fk_name ,index_cols_string ~* ('^' || fk.cols_string || '(,|$)') AS has_index FROM temp_fk fk JOIN ( SELECT temp_objects.relname AS index_name ,indrelid ,indkey AS indkey ,array_to_string(indkey::smallint[], ',') AS index_cols_string FROM pg_catalog.pg_index JOIN temp_objects ON (pg_index.indexrelid = temp_objects.oid) ) i ON (fk.oid = i.indrelid) ; -- SELECT * FROM temp_check_indexes; /* find all the fk associations where we *didn't* find an index */ CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_possibly_missing_indexes AS SELECT oid ,cols_string FROM temp_check_indexes GROUP BY oid, cols_string HAVING NOT bool_or(has_index) ; \echo 'Possibly missing indexes on:' SELECT t.oid ,c.nspname ,c.relname ,cols_string AS columns FROM temp_possibly_missing_indexes t JOIN temp_objects c ON c.oid = t.oid ; \echo 'Foreign keys referencing above:' SELECT DISTINCT ON (nspname, relname, conname) nspname ,relname ,conname AS "foreign key" ,CASE WHEN t.oid = r.conrelid THEN 'constraint_table' ELSE 'references_table' END AS direction FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r JOIN temp_objects c ON (c.oid = r.conrelid) JOIN temp_possibly_missing_indexes t ON ( (t.oid = r.conrelid AND t.cols_string = array_to_string(r.conkey, ',')) OR (t.oid = r.confrelid AND t.cols_string = array_to_string(r.confkey, ',')) ) WHERE r.contype = 'f' ;
CREATE TABLE cars ( car_id serial PRIMARY KEY ,make text NOT NULL ,model text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE owners ( owner_id serial PRIMARY KEY ,name text ); CREATE TABLE owner_cars ( owner_car_id serial PRIMARY KEY ,owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES owners ON UPDATE CASCADE ,car_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES cars ON UPDATE CASCADE );
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