teste=# \d cliente_fone
Table "cadastro.cliente_fone"
Column | Type | Modifiers
------------------------+---------------- -------------+------------------------
cfon_id | integer | not null
clie_id | integer | not null
cfon_cdddd | character(2) |
cfon_nnfone | character varying(9) |
cfon_nnfoneramal | character varying(4) |
cfon_icfonepadrao | smallint |
fnet_id | integer | not null
cfon_tmultimaalteracao | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
cfon_nmcontato | character varying(50) |
"cliente_fone_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cfon_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"cliente_fone_clie_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (clie_id) REFERENCES cliente(clie_id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
"cliente_fone_fnet_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fnet_id) REFERENCES fone_tipo(fnet_id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
teste=# \d cliente_fone
Table "cadastro.cliente_fone"
Column | Type | Modifiers
------------------------+---------------- -------------+------------------------
cfon_id | integer | not null
clie_id | integer | not null
cfon_cdddd | character(2) |
cfon_nnfone | character varying(9) |
cfon_nnfoneramal | character varying(4) |
cfon_icfonepadrao | smallint |
fnet_id | integer | not null
cfon_tmultimaalteracao | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
cfon_nmcontato | character varying(50) |
"cliente_fone_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cfon_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"cliente_fone_clie_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (clie_id) REFERENCES cliente(clie_id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
"cliente_fone_fnet_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fnet_id) REFERENCES fone_tipo(fnet_id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
De: Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Para: paulo matadr <saddoness@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: GENERAL <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 17 de Novembro de 2008 21:27:27
Assunto: Re: Res: Res: Archive files growth!!!
paulo matadr wrote:
> result for your query
> "cliente_fone" 341130 3345 26760k
OK. And what about indexes, logging triggers, etc?
Can you post the output of:
\d client_fone
from psql?
(I can't really imagine how indexes alone could generate that much
logging data, though).
Craig Ringer
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
To make changes to your subscription:
De: Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Para: paulo matadr <saddoness@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: GENERAL <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 17 de Novembro de 2008 21:27:27
Assunto: Re: Res: Res: Archive files growth!!!
paulo matadr wrote:
> result for your query
> "cliente_fone" 341130 3345 26760k
OK. And what about indexes, logging triggers, etc?
Can you post the output of:
\d client_fone
from psql?
(I can't really imagine how indexes alone could generate that much
logging data, though).
Craig Ringer
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
To make changes to your subscription:
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