Hi Thomas, I wrote the following test case that seems to work fine. Any suggestion ? Thanks a lot Flavio import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Savepoint; public class TestCommitPostgres { public TestCommitPostgres() { java.io.BufferedReader br = null; Connection con = null; try { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver").newInstance(); con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postg res", "user", "pass"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into public.test1 values(?,?,?,?)"); java.io.FileReader fr = new java.io.FileReader("test2_postgres.txt"); br = new java.io.BufferedReader(fr); con.setAutoCommit(false); while (true) { String s = br.readLine(); if (s == null) { break; } String[] sch = s.split("::"); if (sch.length != 4) { continue; } Savepoint sp = con.setSavepoint(); try { ps.setString(1, sch[0]); ps.setString(2, sch[1]); ps.setDouble(3, new Double(sch[2]).doubleValue()); ps.setInt(4, new Integer(sch[3]).intValue()); ps.executeUpdate(); con.releaseSavepoint(sp); } catch (Throwable t) { con.rollback(sp); } } } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("errore - " + t); } try { if (con != null) { con.commit(); con.setAutoCommit(true); con.close(); } if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (Throwable t) { } } public static void main(String[] args) { new TestCommitPostgres(); System.exit(0); } } -------------------------------------------- test1 table CREATE TABLE test1 ( testfield1 varchar(40), testfield2 varchar(40), testfield3 numeric(30,10), chiave numeric(7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT test1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (chiave) ) WITHOUT OIDS; ALTER TABLE test1 OWNER TO postgres; -------------------------------------------- test2_postgres.txt aa::bb::1::71:: aa1::bb1::11::70:: aa2::bb2::12::75:: aa3::bb2::13::77:: aa2::bb2::12::75:: aa2::bb2::12::78:: aa2::bb2::12::71:: Flavio Palumbo, 18.11.2008 10:01: > I tested this tool under MySql and Oracle and everything went as expected. > > Unfortunately postgres seems to work in a different way, cause if there is > just one error while the transaction is active I'm not able to commit the > well formed data in the db, no matter if the good records were inserted > sooner or later the error. > > Does this behavior appears right for postgres ? Yes this is the way Postgres works (been there as well) > There is any way or workaround to achieve my goal ? You need to wrap each UPDATE/INSERT statement with a Savepoint Savepoint sp = connection.setSavepoint() try { // do your insert/update/delete here connection.release(sp); } catch (SQLException sql) { connection.rollback(sp); } Thomas ----------------------------------------------------------- Il presente messaggio non costituisce un impegno contrattuale tra SILMA S.r.l. ed il destinatario. Le opinioni ivi espresse sono quelle dell'autore. SILMA S.r.l. non assume alcuna responsabilita riguardo al contenuto del presente messaggio. Il messaggio è destinato esclusivamente al destinatario. Il contenuto e gli allegati sono da considerarsi di natura confidenziale Nel caso abbiate ricevuto il presente messaggio per errore siete pregati di comunicarlo alla casella segreteria@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general