explain analyze select * from firma2.dok where dokumnr='1228137'::float8
"Seq Scan on dok (cost=0.00..187766.23 rows=6255 width=1145) (actual
time=43168.460..43176.063 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: ((dokumnr)::double precision = 1228137::double precision)"
"Total runtime: 43176.375 ms"
I've just noticed that "actual time" doesn't run from zero; is this part
of another query, or is something else going on?
Is is standalone query.
This is exact statement executed in PgAdmin window and exact result copied
from pgadmin result windw.
I tried it again and got
"Seq Scan on dok (cost=0.00..186943.67 rows=5974 width=1173) (actual
time=39275.713..39319.865 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: ((dokumnr)::double precision = 1228137::double precision)"
"Total runtime: 39320.030 ms"
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