I created a new user and then a new DB with that user, where the user is the owner: -bash-3.00$ createuser -d -P Enter name of user to add: arnuld Enter password for new user: Enter it again: Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n CREATE USER [arnuld@dune ~]$ createdb -O arnuld -U arnuld arnuldforum CREATE DATABASE when I pass this username "arnuld" and the password for "arnuld" to phpBB3 (for installation) it says "could not connect to database" while I can connect to database without any problem. I don't understand why phpbb says there is something wrong with DB settings [arnuld@dune ~]$ psql arnuldforum Welcome to psql 7.4.17, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit arnuldforum=> -- http://uttre.wordpress.com/2008/05/14/the-lost-love-of-mine/ -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general