Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection? These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table regardless of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.
A old example I posted of using pl/perl can be found here ->http://www.postgresqlforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=647
The key is opening a new session which using dblink or pl/perl dbi connection will do. This is not ideal as it would be nice if you could just do autonomous transactions, but I find this method works for the cases where you need it.
"Hi all.
"Hi all.
Is there a way to have (sub)transactions within a function body?
I'd like to execute some code (a transaction!) inside a function and later
decide whether that transaction is to be committed or not.