> Is this particular query using xml features, and if so which? Actually, > could you just show us the whole query and the schemas of the tables > it's using? No, other than returning a column of type xml. The query for the EXPLAIN output I posted before is this: select lead.id as leadId, lead.xml as xml, lead.processing_state as processingState, lead.processing_step as processingStep, lead.processing_attempts as processingAttempts, lead.created as createdDate, lead.last_processed as lastProcessedDate from lead lead where (date(lead.created at time zone interval '-06') between date('2008-08-15') and date('2008-08-15')) or (date(lead.modified at time zone interval '-06') between date('2008-08-15') and date('2008-08-15')) order by lead.id And the schema of the lead table is this: lms_nna=# \d lead Table "public.lead" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------------+--------------------------+----------- id | bigint | not null xml | xml | source | character varying(50) | not null destination | character varying(50) | processing_state | character varying(20) | not null created | timestamp with time zone | not null modified | timestamp with time zone | not null last_processed | timestamp with time zone | processing_step | integer | processing_attempts | integer | Indexes: "lead_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_created_idx" btree (created), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_destination_idx" btree (destination), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_modified_idx" btree (modified), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_processing_step_idx" btree (processing_step), tablespace "lms_index" "lead_source_idx" btree (source), tablespace "lms_index" "processing_state_idx" btree (processing_state), tablespace "lms_index" "reporting_date_idx" btree (date(timezone('-06:00:00'::interval, created))), tablespace "lms_index" "reporting_last_processed_date_idx" btree (date(timezone('-06:00:00'::interval, last_processed))), tablespace "lms_index" "reporting_modified_idx" btree (date(timezone('-06:00:00'::interval, modified))) Foreign-key constraints: "fk_lead_destination" FOREIGN KEY (destination) REFERENCES external_system(name) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT "fk_lead_source" FOREIGN KEY (source) REFERENCES external_system(name) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT Triggers: _lms_logtrigger_11 AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON lead FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _lms.logtrigger('_lms', '11', 'kvvvvvvvvv') create_lead_reporting_data AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON lead FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_lead_reporting_data() set_modified BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON lead FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified() Would you also like the schemas for the referenced FOREIGN KEY tables? You can see we have some insert/update triggers there, which I can provide the source for if you need (update_lead_reporting_data() is quite large, though). -- m@