On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Artacus <artacus@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > You can do this without triggers (at least on 8.3). > > UPDATE foo > SET field1 = 2, > field2 = default > WHERE field3 = 22 That means I have to then go through all my code and make sure I set the fields value. If I forget to modify one statement, things will break. That's why I'm looking for a declarative way of doing and let database handle it like it handles setting the default value of a column on insert. Chris -- Chris Velevitch Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney m: 0415 469 095 www.apugs.org.au Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney September meeting: It's Going To Be Brilliant Date: Mon 29th September 6pm for 6:30 start Details and RSVP on http://apugs2008september.eventbrite.com