So far I tried;
1) I have copied data from Ingres in ASCII (using Ingres copydb command).
2) created a table in a Postgres database
3) tried loading data into Potgres table - encounter problems.
For 1) (the Ingres part)
Ingres used the following copy commands:
copy site(
sta= varchar(0)tab,
offdate= varchar(0)tab,
lat= c0tab,
lon= c0tab,
elev= c0tab,
regist_code= varchar(0)tab,
vault_cond= varchar(0)tab,
geology= varchar(0)tab,
comment= varchar(0)tab,
initials= varchar(0)tab,
lddate= c0nl,
nl= d0nl)
into '/tmp/site.dba'
Normally Ingres will use this command to copy data from a file:
copy site(
sta= varchar(0)tab,
offdate= varchar(0)tab,
lat= c0tab,
lon= c0tab,
elev= c0tab,
regist_code= varchar(0)tab,
vault_cond= varchar(0)tab,
geology= varchar(0)tab,
comment= varchar(0)tab,
initials= varchar(0)tab,
lddate= c0nl,
nl= d0nl)
from '/vm04-0/home/postgres/test/site.dba'
For 3)
- I got error when I tried to copy with Ingres-like copy command.
- Then I tried to copy with simple 'copy site from '/vm04-0/home/postgres/test/site-c.dba' - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(5)
- I had no luck either when used binary copying - postgres complained about signature:
copy site from '/vm04-0/home/postgres/test/site.dba' with binary :
ERROR: COPY file signature not recognized
I have couple of questions as well.
Q1: is there an equivalent of copydb in postgres (in Ingres copydb creates copy statements for all database tables in a single file)
Q2: how to say in postgres that a field has no default values (in Ingres ‘not default’ is used – and this produced an error in postgres CREATE TABLE command)
Create table site (
sta varchar(5) not null,
ondate varchar(8) not null,
offdate varchar(8) not null,
lat float not null not default, ----->
lon float not null not default
Q3: How to specify storage structure of a table (again in Ingres ‘modify’ statement is used to specify btree, isam or hash structure). In the Postgres documentation I only saw how to create an index with a specific structure.
In Ingres: modify site to isam unique on sta, ondate (means structure isam, primary key is on 2 fields - sta and ondate)
Thanks in advance,
From: Markova, Nina
Sent: September 9, 2008 14:32
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: How to upload data to postgres
Hi again,
I need to load data from Ingres database to Postgres database. What's the easiest way?