FYI on the witting a batch script to run on Windows 2003 R2 server with
no install of postgresql or pgadmin III This will create a new file every time the backup is run with the Name then the date followed with the extension .backup I would have added it to the webstie but can't create an account for my self. Tried following theses instructions but never could get it to work I hope these instructions help people... Step One Go to Server create a Directory called Drive:\PostgresqlBack then create a sub directory called "bin" in the Drive:\PostgresqlBack Step Two instead of compiling pg_dump.exe used the pgadmin install on the my client and copied the files to the bin folder on the Server the files required when using pg_dump.exe from PgAdmin install are as follows and must be located in the bin folder comerr32.dll gssapi32.dll k5sprt32.dll krb_32.dll libeay32.dll libiconv2.dll libpq.dll Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest msvcm80.dll msvcp80.dll msvcr80.dll pg_dump.dll ssleay32.dll zlib1.dll Step Three Next Create batch file called something i used postgresqlBackup.bat. The file must be located in PostgresqlBack directory not the bin folder. Step Four Open the File then Copy/Paste the following @echo off for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ("%date%") do ( set dow=%%i set month=%%j set day=%%k set year=%%l ) set datestr=%month%_%day%_%year% echo datestr is %datestr% set BACKUP_FILE=<NameOfTheFile>_%datestr%.backup set logFile=EmproDatabase_%datestr%.log echo backup file name is %BACKUP_FILE% SET PGPASSWORD=<PassWord> echo on bin\pg_dump -i -h <HostName> -p 5432 -U <UserName> -F c -b -v -f %BACKUP_FILE% <DATABASENAME> Step Five Change <NameOfTheFile> to something. i choose to use the name the name of the database. (make sure the is no spaces after the word BACKUP_FILE any spaces will cause this setting not to work.) Setting is the first part of the file name then followed by the date the file was created with the extension .backup Change the <PassWord > setting above to the correct password for the backup users. (make sure the is no spaces after the word PGPASSWORD any spaces will cause this setting not to work.) Note severial tries to get PGPASS file to work on windows never could so decided to use PGPASSWORD setting in the script Change <HostName> either to ip address or dns name of the server hosting Postgresql. Change <UserName> to backup user make sure this users has access to database for backup purposes Change <DATABASENAME> to the database name being backed up. Save the File Step Six Create Task for th Task Scheduler link to MS instructions Step Seven Once you have chosen the security context the Task in going to run in, it is advised to change the directory security where the back is in run in and the files are stored so only the backup users can get to it sense it has the high level user name and password stored in plain text. Step Eight Go drink beer and something salty. :-) |