Hi all: Is there any way to create a case sensitive full text index? My target is to make case sensitive full text searches but I don't know how. I could create a configurario for full text searching: CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION public.myconfiguration (PARSER = pg_catalog.default); CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY public.my_dict ( TEMPLATE = pg_catalog.simple, STOPWORDS = my_stops ); ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION myconfiguration ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword, asciihword, hword_asciipart, word, hword, hword_part WITH my_dict; And then create the full text index: CREATE INDEX textindexsensible ON documento USING gin(to_tsvector('myconfiguration',texto)); But default behaviour of Simple Dictionary returns the lower-cased form of the word if it isn't in stopwords list. Is there any way to change this behaviour? Thanks in advance, Mario Barcala P.S. I am using PostgreSQL 8.3