I have a custom inventory system built on JBoss AS, Seam, EJB3, JSF, and Richfaces with a PostgreSQL back end that runs on Centos. Being a single developer my time is short and I need to set up remote replication and fail over without delaying what I am currently working on. I have been reading about Slony and more recently Londiste. I need help setting this up in a reliable manner quickly. I need advice on what to use and scripts that I can run on my servers to set this up automatically. Please email me directly at (jason at supernovasoftware dot com) if you can recommend a company that can get this done for me quickly and economically. Thank you for your time, Jason Long CEO and Chief Software Engineer BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering http://www.octgsoftware.com HJBug Founder and President http://www.hjbug.com