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Re: MERGE: performance advices

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Richard Broersma wrote:
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 8:10 AM, Steve Clark <sclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a way to do something similar with the following? I am an SQL noob
and the
following takes longer to run than is reasonable, on the order of hours.

insert into myevents select * from t_unit_event_log a where exists
     (select b.event_log_no from myevents b
      where a.event_status = 1 and a.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
             and a.event_ref_log_no = b.event_log_no and a.event_log_no not
                     (select event_log_no from myevents)

To start off with, this SQL statement can be refined a bit.  Many of
the sub-query WHERE clause constraints have nothing to do with the
Correlated sub-query.  The refinement would look like so:

     SELECT *
       FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
      WHERE A.event_status = 1
        AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
        AND A.event_log_no NOT IN ( SELECT event_log_no
                                      FROM Myevents)
        AND EXISTS ( SELECT B.event_log_no
                       FROM Myevents AS B
                      WHERE A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no );

The next step would be to rework the NOT IN sub-query into a LEFT JOIN

     SELECT *
       FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
  LEFT JOIN Myevents AS C
         ON A.event_log_no = C.event_log_no
      WHERE A.event_status = 1
        AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
        AND C.event_log_no IS NULL
        AND EXISTS ( SELECT B.event_log_no
                       FROM Myevents AS B
                      WHERE A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no );

There is one possible alteration that may or many not improve
performance.  This would be to replace the EXISTS with a LEFT JOIN

     SELECT *
       FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
  LEFT JOIN Myevents AS C
         ON A.event_log_no = C.event_log_no
  LEFT JOIN Myevents AS B
         ON A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no
      WHERE C.event_log_no IS NULL
        AND B.event_log_no IS NOT NULL
        AND A.event_status = 1
        AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL;

Hi Richard and thanks for the response. When I try the last two queries i get and error. I have listed
the results of explain on all three.

srm2=# explain
srm2-# INSERT INTO Myevents
srm2-#      SELECT *
srm2-#        FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
srm2-#       WHERE A.event_status = 1
srm2-#         AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
srm2-#         AND A.event_log_no NOT IN ( SELECT event_log_no
srm2(#                                       FROM Myevents)
srm2-#         AND EXISTS ( SELECT B.event_log_no
srm2(#                        FROM Myevents AS B
srm2(#                       WHERE A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no );
QUERY PLAN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Index Scan using indx_tuel_usn_ec_es on t_unit_event_log a  (cost=31711.73..3607445990.61 rows=51844 width=146)
  Index Cond: (event_status = 1)
  Filter: ((event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL) AND (subplan) AND (NOT (subplan)))
    ->  Materialize  (cost=31711.73..42857.85 rows=830612 width=4)
          ->  Seq Scan on myevents  (cost=0.00..28041.12 rows=830612 width=4)
    ->  Index Scan using indx1myevents on myevents b  (cost=0.00..8.37 rows=1 width=4)
          Index Cond: ($1 = event_log_no)
(8 rows)

srm2=# explain
srm2-# INSERT INTO Myevents
srm2-#      SELECT *
srm2-#        FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
srm2-#   LEFT JOIN Myevents AS C
srm2-#          ON A.event_log_no = C.event_log_no
srm2-#       WHERE A.event_status = 1
srm2-#         AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
srm2-#         AND C.event_log_no IS NULL
srm2-#         AND EXISTS ( SELECT B.event_log_no
srm2(#                        FROM Myevents AS B
srm2(#                       WHERE A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no );
ERROR:  INSERT has more expressions than target columns
srm2=# explain
srm2-# INSERT INTO Myevents
srm2-#      SELECT *
srm2-#        FROM T_unit_event_log AS A
srm2-#   LEFT JOIN Myevents AS C
srm2-#          ON A.event_log_no = C.event_log_no
srm2-#   LEFT JOIN Myevents AS B
srm2-#          ON A.event_ref_log_no = B.event_log_no
srm2-#       WHERE C.event_log_no IS NULL
srm2-#         AND B.event_log_no IS NOT NULL
srm2-#         AND A.event_status = 1
srm2-#         AND A.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL;
ERROR:  INSERT has more expressions than target columns

I really appreciate your help.


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