Bill wrote:
Tino Wildenhain wrote:Are you saying that a parameterized query whose WHERE clause is AFIELD LIKE ? will use an index on AFIELD if the parameter value is 'ABC%'. IHi Bill, Bill wrote:The SQL database servers I have worked with cannot use and index for a SELECT of the formSELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD LIKE ?because there is no way to know the location of the wild card until the parameter value is known. InterBase and Firebird allowSELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD STARTING WITH ?which is equivalent to LIKE 'ABC%' and will use an index on AFIELD. Is there a similar syntax in PostgreSQL?Yes, its actually: LIKE 'ABC%' and it will use an index. Regards Tino
... no, I'm not saying that anymore (nor did I intend to do :-) I was just misreading your question. Sorry. Regards Tino
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