How can I update catalog_items.Authors create table catalog_items( ItemID bigint primary key, Authors varchar(1024) ); taking results from select ia.ItemID, array_accum(trim(' \t]' from a.Name)) from catalog_itemauthor ia join catalog_author a on a.AuthorID=ia.AuthorID where a.Name is not null and length(trim(' \t' from a.Name))>1 group by ia.ItemID; Currently I'm achieving the same result with a plpsql function with a for loop, and I'm planning to see if using aggregates is going to be faster and then see if it is even worth to keep an extra column... create or replace function UpdateAuthors() returns void as $$ declare _row record; _ItemID bigint; _Authors varchar(1024); _Name varchar(50); begin _Authors:=''; _ItemID:=null; for _row in select a.Name, ia.ItemID from {catalog_itemauthor} ia join {catalog_author} a on a.AuthorID=ia.AuthorID order by ia.ItemID loop if(_row.ItemID<>_ItemID) then if(length(_Authors)>2) then _Authors:=substring(_Authors from 3); update {catalog_items} set Authors=_Authors where ItemID=_ItemID; end if; _Authors:=''; end if; _ItemID:=_row.ItemID; _Name:=trim(' \t' from _row.Name); if(length(_Name)>0) then _Authors:= _Authors || ', ' || _Name; end if; end loop; return; end; $$ language plpgsql volatile; BTW I've noticed that array_append gives back not uniform results: select array_append(ARRAY['az','e','i'],''); {az,e,i,""} while I'd expect {"az","e","i",""} -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo