what will be the error in syntax of following statement?
delete from accountingtransactions where accountingtransactions.refaccdocid=docs.docid and docs.tmpselect=-1 and docs.tmpselectedby= $1;
when a new function is created it does not gives any error but when this function is called from outside it gives syntax error as 'missing FROM-clause entry for table "docs"'. Why? any clue?
what will be the error in syntax of following statement?
delete from accountingtransactions where accountingtransactions.refaccdocid=docs.docid and docs.tmpselect=-1 and docs.tmpselectedby= $1;
when a new function is created it does not gives any error but when this function is called from outside it gives syntax error as 'missing FROM-clause entry for table "docs"'. Why? any clue?