Klint Gore <kgore4@xxxxxxxxxx> writes: > Faulting application postgres.exe, version, faulting module > msvcr80.dll, version 8.0.50727.1433, fault address 0x0001e44a. > I have a function that's doing a summary report counting data. It makes > a couple of small temp tables then makes a big temp table. In the query > that makes the big temp table, there's an immutable function that gets > called thousands of times in the execution. In the immutable function, > there was a raise notice for debugging . Without the raise, the query > finishes in about 40sec. With it, the postgres.exe grinds down to about > 2% cpu usage and eventually throws the message above. Then I reboot the > machine - nothing responds to control. Please try to narrow it down a little. It seems like this could be caused by sending the messages to the postmaster log, or by sending them to the client, or by the client not processing them nicely. (You didn't say what client program you're using.) I'd suggest adjusting client_min_messages and log_min_messages so that the notice message goes to only one of the two places, and and then seeing what happens. regards, tom lane