Craig Ringer wrote:
INSERT INTO table (fld_y,fld_z) VALUES ('y','z') which is really doing: INSERT INTO table (fld_x, fld_y,fld_z) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'y','z')
To be honest I hadn't seen the use of INSERT INTO table (fld_x, fld_y,fld_z) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'y','z') before, I have always gone with INSERT INTO table (fld_x, fld_y,fld_z) VALUES (NULL, 'y','z')
is DEFAULT a better option than using NULL? or is it just a preference to spell out the implied default entry?
I've only used DEFAULT in CREATE TABLE(...) -- Shane Ambler pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz