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Re: SELECT Query returns empty

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Bright D.L. wrote:
Processes P1 and P2 are executables developed in VC++. These are the
steps performed by P1 before sending the TCP packet (which acts as a
trigger) to P2.

1) Create an insertion query
2) Execute the query
3) Execute a 'Commit' command
4) Repeat 2 and 3 how many ever times needed
5) 'Select' part of the last 'insert'ed data to verify whether it is
6) Repeat 6 till the data is available
7) Send a TCP packet to P2 to start its 'Select' query
Is there any chance that P2 is still in transaction from its last query? 

Once step 6 completes, can psql see the data?

Does "select * from pg_stat_activity" show anything unexpected?

Are you directly using libpq or some other connection method?


Klint Gore
Database Manager
Sheep CRC
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2350

Ph: 02 6773 3789 Fax: 02 6773 3266
EMail: kgore4@xxxxxxxxxx

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