2008/7/8 Matthew Dennis <mdennis@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> I'm likely overlooking something, but I can't seem to find a function tocreate function sort(anyarray)
> sort a varchar array. Something like "select sort('{y,z,x}'::varchar[])" =>
> {'x','y','z'}.
returns anyarray as $$
select array(select $1[i] from generate_series(array_lower($1,1),
array_upper($1,1)) g(i) order by 1)
$$ language sql strict immutable;
postgres=# select sort(array[1,2,3,1]);
(1 row)
postgres=# select sort(array['a','b','c','a']);
(1 row)
Pavel Stehule
Thanks Pavel, I ended up writing a method pretty much like that. It seems like that would be inefficient though (works ok for my use though). Does anyone know if there are future plans to add an array_sort method?