2008/6/30 Oleg Bartunov <oleg@xxxxxxxxxx>: > tsearch will have prefix search support in 8.4. Thanks Oleg! That's fantastic news! In the meantime, carrying on with my earlier idea, here's the little function I came up with for extracting the 3-char-lexeme tsvector, in case anyone's interested: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.to_three_char_tsvector(str text) RETURNS tsvector AS $BODY$declare somerow record; shortened_text text := ''; BEGIN FOR somerow IN SELECT regexp_split_to_table(trim(both '\'' from strip(to_tsvector('simple',str))::text),'\'') AS item LOOP shortened_text := shortened_text || ' ' || COALESCE(substring(somerow.item for 3), ''); END LOOP; RETURN strip(to_tsvector(shortened_text)); END;$BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE;