Hi Ian, Ian Meyer wrote:
Ah, so I forgot to mention the one caveat to this (sorry!) was there was a ton of punctuation/spaces and other ilk.. so this is what I came up with: bco=# select name from member where not (name ~ '^[A-Za-z0-9[:punct:] ]*$'); name ---------------------- Señorita Lolita Long Pig täkäurgh blåbärsöl fuchér MkII fuchér ver2.0 Gûm-ishi Ashi Gurum kängnäve Fuchér-version 2.1 fuchÃ(c)r
Uh, is that really the name as it should be? To me it looks much more like UTF-8 stored in SQL-Ascii. Maybe converting it correctly would help? Cheers Tino
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