Adrian Klaver wrote:
Yes I thought of this but once the report is sent to the DB a
separate query is run to get all of that teacher's reports and
these are then displayed on a new page. They all appear here but
then disappear later. Zope has transaction machinery that rolls
everything back on an error, so Postgres must have indicated a
successful write somehow. I read in a Postgres manual that the
hard disk may report to the OS that a write has occured when it
actually has not, is this possible? Oh, and the problem has been
intermittant. Another thing that happened this morning is that
Postgres had today as 18/06/2008 when in fact it was 19/06/2008 and
the OS reported this correctly. Restarting postgres sorted it,
could this be the problem? Regards Garry
Seems like a transaction with no commit. Basically along as the
session is active the data is there but once the session is closed
the data does not persist.
This is my thinking.
Once they are entered and then get listed in the new page can another
user see the reports?
Do they log out and then back in and the reports are gone?
If so then maybe the commit step is getting skipped for some reason.
At what stage are things committed? After entry or at user logoff?
Is there some user data updated on logout that gets an error and rolls back?
Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz
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