I have recently had to teach myself how to use git and the thought came to me that this tool might provide a fairly low setup cost way of passing pg_dumps over the network to our off site data store. Think Rsync, but on a file content basis; just the content diff gets transmitted. GiT works by compressing deltas of the contents of successive versions of file systems under repository control. It treats binary objects as just another object under control. The question is, are successive (compressed) dumps of an altered database sufficiently similar to make the deltas small enough to warrant this approach? Comments? (not my my sanity, please) -- *** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada L8E 3C3