On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Oliver Jowett <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > That's essentially the same as the COPY you quoted in your original email, > isn't it? So.. what exactly is it you want to do that COPY doesn't do? ~ well, actually, not exactly; based on: ~ http://postgresql.com.cn/docs/8.3/static/sql-copy.html ~ COPY <table_name> [FROM|TO] <data_feed> <OPTIONS> ~ import/export the data into/out of PG, so you will be essentially duplicating the data and having to synch it. This is exactly what I am trying to avoid, I would like for PG to handle the data right from the data feed ~ > Anyway, it's not really JDBC related. ~ Well, no, but I was hoping to get an answer here because I mostly access PG through jdbc and also because java developer would generally be more inclined to these types of DB-independent data formats, reusing, transferring issues ~ lbrtchx