Greetings. I have a perl script that builds a plpgsql function called get_name(t text, id text) based on the table structure of a database. It builds the function just fine: I can run its output in pgAdmin's query editor and then the function works as expected. The problem is, this is part of a larger script that updates functions and views when the database structure changes, so I don't want to run SQL code to replace get_name unless it has actually changed, because it clutters up the generated update script. No problem, I thought, I'll just run select prosrc from pg_proc where proname = 'get_name' and proargnames = '{t, id}' ...and compare with the generated function body. If they're the same, I won't bother including a CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION statement in the output. The oddest thing happens, though, where running the script right after I've used its previous output to create the function, it thinks they're different, even though they should be identical, because I'm the only one on here and have done nothing to the db structure in between these steps. So I use HTML::Diff to find out what's different, thinking it's just maybe something like tabs or spaces getting changed around. The weirdest thing is, it claims there are a whole bunch of things different that are actually the same (at least visually, to me): IF t = <del>'address' </del><ins>'address' </ins>THEN OPEN c FOR EXECUTE <del>'SELECT ''address'' </del><ins>'SELECT ''address'' </ ins>|| FROM address a WHERE <del>' </del><ins>' </ ins>|| id; ...and every line showing a diff follows that pattern. I know this may seem like a perl issue, which could (also) be true, but I'm wondering if pgsql stores its function bodies in some internal encoding or something, versus utf8 that I use as the db encoding and I thought perl uses internally? That statement came from this in perl: $sql = "IF t = '$table' THEN OPEN c FOR EXECUTE '$sql' || id;"; The thing I don't understand is how it seems to be inconsistent. All three diffs involve a space, one each within $table and $sql, and one outside the original $sql, right after the last apostrophe in the new $sql. But there are lots of spaces within the original $sql and the new $sql in this line that it does not say are different. I thought maybe there were tabs or something hidden in the source code, but I verified that there aren't. I even opened the source in a hex editor and, for example, the space between EXECUTE and '$sql' and the space after '$sql' in the line above are both 20. Why should diff think that the former is the same and the latter not the same when we're comparing the function as generated using that $sql line with what's stored in the database, which came from that very line moments earlier? If I'm barking up the wrong tree, I'll try posting on a perl newsgroup, but since I wasn't sure, I thought I'd try here first. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Kev