This is copy from a forum where i described my problem w postgresql. Can anyone help me? " after postgresql install my pc freezes/slows critically by zaxpoker on Fri May 16, 2008 4:30 am hey! I installed postgresql on my pc, I could do everything according to the installation guide everything should have been fine but unfortunately bad things started to happen put it short: my whole pc slowed dramatically win startup got lot slower + doing anything was slower - pokertracker too worked slower to be precise my pc held pausing breaks stop and go, stop and go without no end i.e i started explorer or mozilla, it worked then about 10 seconds freeze, 10 seconds normal but slower working then 10 seconds freezing again and so on my pc became useless I tried uninstalling postgresql, freezing and slowing remained i tried system restore, freezing and slowing remained i figured there might be an issue with my firewall + antivirus software - Norton Internet Security 2004 - So after the format c: new windows, and BEFORE installing NIS i installed postgresql on a new absolutely virgin windows setup same freezing going slowly, freezing stuff:( so I had to format c: again and put up windows again with a plan that I never would try to install postgresql again on this configuration as it would ruin my pc and I would need to install for 3 days again. I wouldn't plan to buy a complete new hardware just because of this as this machine is not that old and should be perfect my config is Intel P4 2,8G Asus P4P800 SE (i848P) 1 G PC3200 DDR 3 harddisk over 700 G space ATI Radeon HD2400 Win XP Sp2 with all updates NIS2k4 I'm a classic "user" I can install anything but haven't got a clue about real programming or informatic skills, I don't understand postgresql either:) I can't figure out what part of it messes up with what part or either if it's software or hardware related, I never ever had any compatibility issues on this config in the 3-4 years i've been using this one q: anyone heard of anything similar like this? If you find the time please help me out!zaxpoker Posts: 4 Joined: Feb 27th, 2008 Private message Top -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply with quote Re: after postgresql install my pc freezes/slows critically by APerfect10 on Mon May 19, 2008 7:31 pm To summarize, new Windows install with PostgreSQL freezes. Identical new Windows install without PostgreSQL does not freeze? That does not make much sense to me. PostgreSQL should create little/no extra burden on your computer when idle. Even when PokerTracker 3 is churning through your database, PostgreSQL should spike at no more than 50% CPU. I suspect something else is going on? Hardware related? Best regards, Derek APerfect10 Site Admin Posts: 2806 Joined: Aug 16th, 2007 Location: Philadelphia, PA Private messageWebsite Top -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply with quote Re: after postgresql install my pc freezes/slows critically by zaxpoker on Mon May 19, 2008 10:03 pm Yes. Virgin win I installed postgresql and it did this stop and go. not a classic freeze where you have to restart but like it would think on something, like it was extracting a huge rar or something nothing suspicious or new in the taskmanager, around 5-15 postgresql.exe running though but as i read thats about normal about ten sec "thinking" - no program responds, only mouse is "live" - then it goes from there for 10-20 secs then "thinking" again no similar woodoo issue ever on this comp not before not since i dont use too many softwares though some pc games (FPS, etc.), watching videos, listening to mp3s, normal stuff, nothing ever and i dont even know where to look for could this be some harddisk issue? is postgre extraactive there cause i have three harddisks or motherboard to x peripherial? no clue worst is that i know it's a complicated issue that is almost impossible to resolve from distant or through simple questions this issue is really torpedoing me:( " _______________________________________________________ Szerintem ezt megéri megnézni: ! Mi a cégnél már így tanulunk – ki angolul, ki németül. Próbáljátok ki ti is!,1,6022,112478,180889/click.prm