Reading the manual recently I came across this: ( )
> Because of the snapshotting behavior of MVCC (see Chapter 13) a function containing only SELECT commands can safely be marked
> STABLE, even if it selects from tables that might be undergoing modifications by concurrent queries. PostgreSQL will execute a STABLE
> function using the snapshot established for the calling query, and so it will see a fixed view of the database throughout that query. Also
> note that the
family of functions qualify as stable, since their values do not change within a transaction.It stroke me that it might be not all that safe to mark SELECTing only function STABLE vs VOLATILE (or vice versa). Consider an example:
create table t1(id int);
create or replace function f1() returns void as
i int;
select count(*) into i from t1;
raise notice '%', i;
-- waste some time
for i in 1..700000000 loop
end loop;
select count(*) into i from t1;
raise notice '%', i;
language 'plpgsql';
Now in first connection do:
select f1();
While the execution is in the loop which takes a while do in another connection:
insert into t1 values (1);
The function returns with the following notices:
Should I change the volatility type of f1() to STABLE and run the above again I would get:
It looks like at least plpgsql functions use most recent snapshot on each call to SPI manager instead that of a calling query, so since default transaction isolation level in postgres is READ COMMITTED concurrent transactions may affect result of pure-reader VOLATILE function. I wonder if any-language (including SQL,and C) function would behave in the same way?
Another thing I've recently discover is that SQL function seem to be unexpectedly slow to call. Example:
create or replace function f2sql(int) returns int as
select case when $1 < 100000 then 1
when 100000 <= $1 and $1 < 500000 then 2
when $1 >= 500000 then 3
language 'sql' immutable;
create or replace function f2plpgsql(int) returns int as
return case when $1 < 100000 then 1
when 100000 <= $1 and $1 < 500000 then 2
when $1 >= 500000 then 3
language 'plpgsql' immutable;
These two function do exactly the same calculation on input and differ only in language used. Now I write some query involving them and wrap it into another function (so that I could use PERFORM to avoid possible overhead on fetching results to the client, to cache the plan and to measure the time in more precise manner):
create or replace function f3() returns void as
st timestamp;
st := clock_timestamp();
perform f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2sql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
from generate_series(1, 100000);
raise notice '%', clock_timestamp() - st;
language 'plpgsql' ;
create or replace function f4() returns void as
st timestamp;
st := clock_timestamp();
perform f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
f2plpgsql(trunc(1000000*random())::int) +
from generate_series(1, 100000);
raise notice '%', clock_timestamp() - st;
language 'plpgsql' ;
Now f4() reports 4.2 sec of runtime on average while f3() - 10.3 sec, that is a notable difference especially considering that SQL function is likely to be inlined. Do i miss something?