Thanks to Andy's C code here is the pl/pgSQL function which does the
same thing.
I added a tiny bit so instead of returning a numeric value with 20
trailing zeros it returns a value with the desired precision.
-----------------Begin Code ---------------------
create or replace function roundup(pToRound numeric, pPrecision
integer) returns numeric as
factor numeric ;
poweredup numeric;
trunced numeric;
fraction numeric ;
factor := power(10.0, pPrecision) ;
poweredup := pToRound * factor ;
trunced := trunc(poweredup);
fraction := poweredup - trunced;
if (fraction >= 0.5) then
return trunc(((trunced + 1)/factor), pPrecision);
end if ;
if (fraction <= -0.5) then
return trunc(((trunced - 1)/factor), pPrecision);
end if ;
return trunc((trunced/factor), pPrecision);
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION roundup(pToRound numeric, pPrecision integer) owner to
postgres ;
---------------End Code -----------------------
function roundup(n, i)
factor = power(10.0, i);
nd = n * factor;
ni = trunc(nd);
fraction = nd - ni;
if (fraction >= 0.5)
return (ni + 1)/factor;
if (fraction <= -0.5)
return (ni - 1)/factor;
return ni/factor;
Apologies for using C and warnings that I haven't thoroughly tested this.
P.S. You could also write a round-even function for Excel and get them
to use it on their next printout! :-)
-- Andy