Daniel Schuchardt wrote:
Tino Wildenhain schrieb:Hi, Daniel Schuchardt wrote: ...in 81: postgres=# SELECT 1::INTEGER||1::INTEGER; ?column? ---------- 11 (1 row)*shudder* is this actually a port of an application originally targeted at M*Sql? ;) Are you using those columns somewhere with their real type - as integer? I mean if you use them as text everywhere why not change the type once? T.*g*yes, sure we have to CAST it now. thats no problem. but the problem is to find all the places where to cast. and you see that there are many possiblilitys.another example?:RAISE NOTICE "error during validation % :", 'ks:"'||ks||'"@"'||loopdate||'"'; (here LoopDate is a DateTime)another one: here we need to add 4 CASTS. you see.....CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION date_to_yearmonth_dec(TIMESTAMP) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$DECLARE R INTEGER; BEGIN IF extract(month FROM $1)<11 THEN R:=extract(year FROM $1)||0||extract(month FROM $1)-1; ELSE R:=extract(year FROM $1)||extract(month FROM $1)-1; END IF; RETURN R; END$$LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
RETURN extract(year FROM $1)*100+extract(month FROM $1)-1; was too clean and easy? ;)) Looks like a good oportunity to clean up your code before anything unexpected happens :-) Cheers T.
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