oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Oliver Helm) writes: > Hello, > > > > I was wondering if if is possible to add a note against a field on a postgresql table? > > > > For example when running "\d tablename" i would like to have and additional column called 'notes' which i could add to by altering the table. As the note would > be field specific, not row specific i would rather not have to do it with an additional column in the table! > > > > I have tried searching though the documentation, but so far have no found anything. Can anyone suggest whether this is in fact possible, and point me in the right > direction? Have you taken a look at the COMMENT statement? test@[local]:5432=# \h comment Command: COMMENT Description: define or change the comment of an object Syntax: COMMENT ON { TABLE object_name | COLUMN table_name.column_name | AGGREGATE agg_name (agg_type [, ...] ) | CAST (sourcetype AS targettype) | CONSTRAINT constraint_name ON table_name | CONVERSION object_name | DATABASE object_name | DOMAIN object_name | FUNCTION func_name ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [, ...] ] ) | INDEX object_name | LARGE OBJECT large_object_oid | OPERATOR op (leftoperand_type, rightoperand_type) | OPERATOR CLASS object_name USING index_method | [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE object_name | ROLE object_name | RULE rule_name ON table_name | SCHEMA object_name | SEQUENCE object_name | TABLESPACE object_name | TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name | TYPE object_name | VIEW object_name } IS 'text' -- let name="cbbrowne" and tld="acm.org" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;; http://www3.sympatico.ca/cbbrowne/sap.html "Much of this software was user-friendly, meaning that it was intended for users who did not know anything about computers, and furthermore had absolutely no intention whatsoever of learning." -- A. S. Tanenbaum, "Modern Operating Systems, ch 1.2.4"