I'm using 7.4.19 utils on Centos 5 to move a database from one shared hosting server to another shared hosting server. The dump and restore options that I used are:- pg_dump -O -v -F c pg_restore -c -O -x -v pg_restore aborts the restore (with a return code=1) when trying to 'comment schema "public"', which is because the schema is not owned by the database owner. 1. How do I get pg_restore to simply ignore this error and continue the restore to completion? 2. Is it ok to have the schema "public" owned by the owner of the database? 3. How do I tell if the restore is complete as a cursory look seems to indicate the restore is complete? Chris -- Chris Velevitch Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group m: 0415 469 095 www.flashdev.org.au Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group April meeting: TBD Date: Mon 28th April 6pm for 6:30 start Details soon