Pavan Deolasee wrote:
I am not suggesting one read-write and many read-only architecture. I am
rather suggesting all read-only systems. I would be interested in this
setup if I run large read-only queries on historical data and need easy
scalability. With read-only setup, you can easily add another machine to
increase computing power. Also, we may come up with cache-sharing
systems so that if a buffer is cached on some other node, that can
be transfered on a high speed interconnect, rather than reading from a
relatively slower disk.
You can have infinite scalability of a read-only database simply by copying the
database to each system. If it's historical data it's not "up to the minute". If
you want to periodically update the read-only databases then that's pretty
straightforward - with various options trading speed against ease - depending on
your system requirements.
Yes. I was mostly assuming read-only scalability. What are the other
better ways to do so ?
A known implementation of such a set up would be Oracle RAC, where
you have a shared storage and N machines using it.
Oracle RAC is a multi-master kind of architecture where each node has
access to the shared storage and can directly read/write data.