Hello, I’m new to postgres and the work of DB’s. I’m running postres 7.4 on RHLinux 3. I have a table that has 5.4 million rows of data in
it. 4.6 million of these rows are just administrative messages and not
necessary so I’d like to delete them. If I try and delete them, it
takes 69 minutes to delete ~650K rows. The current postgres
configurations are defaults in postgres.conf file. I’ve tried
bumping up the shared_bufferes in the conf file, but it does not help.
Also I am unable to start postgres is I change the shared_buffers to a values higher
then 2000. We have a project underway to upgrade to postgres 8.2, but
that will take some time, so I’d like to delete these in 7.4 if at all
possible in a reasonable amount of time so that I can minimize production
impact to customers. Any and all suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Regards Bharat |