Actually I did not change the port number. For some bizarre reason, the pgsql 8.1 debian package comes with port 5433 pre-configured and this was exactly was causing the problem, of course, I wasn't noting that the port was different, but they are so similar (that's what happens when you have a stressful day of work..). I changed it to 5432 and everything went fine.
Do you see how little changes can make a **big** difference. I wonder what was going through the head of the person who altered the port number for this release...
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Kyle Wilcox <Kyle.Wilcox@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Did you purposely change the default port? Are you specifying the change in pgadmin? If the pg_hba.conf file is the problem, pgadmin will tell you with a message like:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "IPADDRESS", user "USER", database "DATABASE", SSL ON/OFF
Are you getting a similar message or is the connection timing out?--
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
I can´t connect to my postgresql8.1 server running on Debian. The pgadmin
client says it can't connect. I already edited the pg_hba.conf and
postgresql.conf (listen_addresses = '*' and port) but the problem remains,
pg_admin is running on a XP machine without Firewalls enabled, Debian is
also not running any kind of firewall. I should also note the I just
upgraded to 8.1, some minutes ago I was running 7.4 and connections **were
working fine**.
postgresql.conf (connection settings section):
PostgreSQL 8.1 Debain Etch package.
Any hints greatly appreciated!
Kyle Wilcox
NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
410 Severn Avenue
Suite 107A
Annapolis, MD 21403
office: (410) 295-3151
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