In the java code below, I set the transaction
isolation to serialization.
public class IsolationTest {
private static String select = "select * from tmp where url = ''"; public static void main(String[] args) throws
//ConncetionFactory is a factory
class for managing connection
Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
con.setAutoCommit(false); Statement smt =
ResultSet r1 = smt.executeQuery(select); System.out.println(; //(1) con.commit(); //(2) ResultSet r2 = smt.executeQuery(select); System.out.println(; //(3) con.commit(); smt.close(); ConnectionFactory.closeConnection(); } } I set a break point at (2), then I run this code in debug mode. When
it suspended at (2), line(1) print "false". Then, I execute an insert statement
in pgadmin: insert into tmp values('aaa'), after that I continued to run the
code, and line(3) print "true". I have set the transaction isolation to
serialization, didn't the two select statements print the same
btw: postgresql version is 8.2, jdbc version is
postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar, and jdk version is 1.5