Hi List,
I got the logs as below from log file of
PGSQL 7.4.2 on Solaris-9. Can any one please give the exact meaning of it. And
I have not found the file any where on the server “0000000400000072”.
LOG: recycled transaction log file "0000000400000072"
And I found most of the logged file
contains the following statements.
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
WARNING: there is already a transaction in
WARNING: there is already a transaction in
WARNING: there is no transaction in
Can I get the exact date and time of these
logged statements. And what is the meaning of these statements.
G. V. Suresh Gupta
Innovative Technology Solutions(ITS), Zensar Technologies
Zensar Knowledge Park, Plot#5, MIDC IT Tower,
Off Nagar Road, Pune –
: +91-20-66453471 |
: suresh.g@xxxxxxxxxx | website: www.zensar.com

From: pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of libra dba
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008
3:38 AM
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ADMIN] using warm
standby with drbd???
Hi All!
I have configured the warm standby using WAL FILES and DRBD. The wal files are
generated as server A. I am using DRBD to replicate these wal files between
server A and server B. The DRBD service is running as Primary on Server A and
secondary on Server B. The wal_files are written to the server B, but there is
a drawback for DRBD. The filesystme needs to be unmounted on the server B
(where DRBD is running secondary role).
So recovery is not countinuous.(file systme is unmounted). To start the
recovery, i need to change the DRBD role to primary on server B. After that i
have to mount the filesystem. Once i mount the filesystem, the recovery process
Is there any way in which i need
not switch secondary/primary role for DRBD on server B?
Is there any way in which i can have the file system mounted on server B,
running DRBD secondary role?
How else can i replicate the
wal_files? ( i don't want to user common file system ,,, NFS,,, etc.)?
Another thing which i want to ask is that if we are generating archives every 1
minute. then what happens to the data which was written to the server A after
35 seconds after the last wal file generation.(server A crashes).
Since this data has not been archived (it was supposed to archive after 1
minute), do i think that this is
the loss of data in a server A crash as this 35 second data has not been
written to the archived logs and neither has been transported to server B?
A quick reply is highly appreciated!