postgres@flexo:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin$ 2008-03-04 15:47:21 PST
LOG: 00000: could not load root certificate file "root.crt": no SSL
error reported
2008-03-04 15:47:21 PST DETAIL: Will not verify client certificates.
2008-03-04 15:47:21 PST LOCATION: initialize_SSL, be-secure.c:785
ALSO, when I start PG via
./pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main
c/o `ps -ef` I get:
postgres 872 1 4 15:47 pts/2 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/
whereas at other times I get:
postgres 31784 1 5 15:20 pts/2 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/
8.2/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main
Can anyone tell me what that is?
Thank you,
Ralph Smith
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings