Hello list, We are looking for someone with experience on the as/400 (running os/400) platform, particularly in legacy environments. We are porting an application to as many architectures as possible. We know very little about as/400, but we have had some customers request support. Does anybody know the answers to the following questions? *) is it possible to compile C with gcc (superficial search seems to indicate no)? *) if so, with what versions? *) newer versions seem to run aix binaries. Could a ported aix binary read files off the os/400 filesystem and do something with them (ftp for example) for backup purposes? *) newer versions seem to have virtual machine technology... *) other than built-in tape backup, does anybody have experience with 3rd party backup agents? *) in modern terms, is aix and/or windows commonly deployed on top of os/400? We have a acquired a number of legacy and (used) enterprise platforms to compile on. Of course, we will subscribe the more interesting architectures to the buildfarm. off-list response is of course preferred. If you can answer our questions but get paid for your time, feel free to respond. Basically, we are looking for a os/400 expert who is familiar with porting applications to the platform, including older versions. merlin ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend