Martin Gainty wrote:
Chris Bowlby wrote:
Hi All,
I am currently running into an issue with a query and would like to get
some assistance if possible.
The PostgreSQL version I am running is 8.0.11 64-Bit, under SuSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 SP3
I am converting an encoded field (lot_id) into a date field, the 5
character of every lot_id is always the year and as such I need to
extract the year using the following function:
substring(ilch.lot_id::text, 5, 1)
I am not worried about month or day as it is not used in what I need to
do, which is why I am using '01/01' for my main concatenation:
'01/01/0'::text || ...
You're going to have another problem in about 22 months.
> Brian is right
> change substring(ilch.lot_id::text, 5, 1) and
> change '01/01/0'::text ||
> to
> '01/01/'::text || substring(ilch.lot_id::text,4,2)
That's not quite it. The data contain just the last digit of the year,
not the last 2. So, unless the data itself is changed, there will still
be a bit of a headache developing in 22 months time.
In any case, as i said also, the syntax is incorrect:
substr(ilch.lot_id::text, 5, 1)
substring(ilch.lot_id::text FROM 5 FOR 1)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings