I just ran VACUUM ANALYZE and got this warning I've never seen before:
WARNING: relation "public.some_big_table" contains more than "max_fsm_pages" pages with useful free space
HINT: Consider compacting this relation or increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages".
What does the hint mean by "compacting"? What exactly must I do to compact this table?
Also, at the end of the VACUUM ANALYZE run I get the NOTICE:
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (294528) exceeds max_fsm_pages (153600)
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages" to a value over 294528.
What surprises me here is that even though I've never seen this notice before (and I've been running VACUUM ANALYZE a lot lately!), the number of page slots needed is almost twice as much as the value of max_fsm_pages. What could I have done since the last time I ran VACUUM ANALYZE (not more than 24 hours ago) to make this "page slot" requirement to shoot through the roof like this?
Thanks in advance!